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The Giant Peach

Our blog about all things peachy

A day in the life of an Ultimate Head Chef

Ever wondered what a day in whites would entail? I caught up with Acorn award-winning and Peach Ultimate Head Chef, James Durrant, to find out what he gets up to in a day’s work. 9am – Once I’ve caught up with the team about the plan for the day, it’s time to prep for the … Continued

The Duke of Wellington & Cherry Trees

First meeting in February 2020, Cherry Trees and Sian at The Duke of Wellington just knew they would be a great team. But we all know what happened – the outbreak of the pandemic hampered community fundraising partnerships across the sector, meaning it was some months before both could meet again and move forward with … Continued

The Burnt Chef Project – The Interview

Before we launched our fundraising for The Burnt Chef Project, Head Chef James and Lindsey from the marketing team had the pleasure of catching up with Kris, the founder of the campaign. We found out a little more about how The Burnt Chef Project came about, how to wind down on days off and the … Continued

The Bigger Peach supports The Burnt Chef Project

With May being Mental Health Awareness month and Mind launching Mental Health Awareness week 10th-16th May, it’s time to focus on Bigger Peach Promise Number 1  – We are a Peachy place to work, learn and grow. This means striving to do better for our team and supporting their wellbeing. With this in mind, from … Continued

Making Life Peachy 🍑

This week we want to shout out to all the amazing Peach Pubs family who’ve been going above and beyond! Thanks for the inspo @makegoodgrow ❤️ From volunteering in vaccination centres to delivering prescriptions and food parcels to the most vulnerable people in isolation, the team really are doing what they can in the local … Continued

Look after yourself ❤️

Even on the days when you wake up with your positive pants on, don’t underestimate what you’re going through at the moment, be gentle with yourself. We’ve been chatting to the team and here are their top tips for getting through, those inevitable, down days. Call a loved one – chat through how you feel … Continued

Herds for Growth Update Jan 2021

Our Vision To create best cattle management on all Mara conservancies, delivering increased, fair and diversified income to conservancy members in the Mara and demonstrating a sustainable model of co-existence between livestock and wildlife. History In 2017, it became clear the herds of cattle on Enonkishu which normally totalled 700-800 were not producing significant income and … Continued

Are there Peachy opportunities in a Pandemic? HELL YES!

New pubs, mega tips and happy teams…Who’d have thought it? As we all peeped back into a new normal, we gingerly opened the doors of 10 of our pubs on the 6th July, having little idea as to what the next few months was going to look like. After a solid first week, we opened … Continued

Your Hubs – whilst our pubs were closed

On 20th March, restaurants, pubs and bars were told to close their doors, as the UK entered the initial period of lockdown. Over 100 days later, no person or business remains unscathed by Covid-19 and the measures that have been put in place to control this global pandemic have been exponential. There has been monumental impact on … Continued