Peach Foundation - How It Works - Peach Pubs


How it works

These are some of the ways in which we select and prioritise what projects the Foundation will work on:

  • Each year we ask each pub to nominate a Hero they would like us to support through the Superfood Salad 25p scheme.
  • Our focus will always be to identify individuals or groups who live our values and actively promote or work in one or more of the list below. This way we can ensure any volunteers from Peach Pubs can bring their expertise and skills to help projects alongside the funding:
    • Food Provenance – happy animals/tasty fruit and vegetables.
    • Healthy Eating – promoting better health in the community.
    • Sports Education – promoting and/or providing local sports facilitates for  all.
    • Planetary Hero – saving our planet one small step at a time.
  • Our work with the Enonkishu Conservancy in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, will help fund the conservancy project in the North Mara with the aim of creating a sustainable conservancy for local land owners.