We all know the importance of tackling food waste, as a nation, we throw away 30% of the food we buy. Household food waste makes up 70% of all food waste, so we all must work together on wasting less, and being creative with meal choices to use up the items in our fridges.
The real trick is to not produce waste in the first place and at Peach, we continually aspire to both reduce the waste produced in our pubs as well as increase our recycling in order to create a positive impact on our carbon footprint.
Buying well, not over-ordering and having daily changing specials, means as a business we do extremely well in our efforts to tackle food waste. We control portion sizes, and train our Chefs to use root to tip cooking methods and using by-products of ingredients. Using potato skins to add flavour to stocks and working with our butcher to buy meat whole to ensure carcass balance.
Interestingly, when we tested ourselves against the industry, we’ve found that we are best in class!