It’s January and you’re probably thinking about how to get into shape after all that cheese you ate, and the wine you drank…. Well, our chefs have come to the rescue and have devised two delicious salads, full of the good stuff to help you fill your belly full of superfoods.
So, what are superfoods?
Although there is no official definition, superfoods are usually high in antioxidants and help rescue our body in time of need. These ingredients give multiple benefits without high fat or calorie content. Eggs, avocado and spinach are often cited as being included in this category.
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is leading the way in the superfood world. Although it’s often thought of as being a grain, it’s in fact a seed from a vegetable linked to spinach and beetroot! It’s high in protein, low in calories and is gluten-free. It’s also rich in minerals, vitamins and full of good-for-you fats. Just a few of the reasons why we’ve chosen it as our main ingredient this January.
From Monday 9th January, for two weeks, our beetroot, garlic and quinoa will be on all our specials’ boards. Whether you opt for a small (or large!), beetroot’s health-giving properties should not be missed. Not only does it help rid the liver of toxins (just what you need after all that drinking over Christmas and New Year), beetroot also helps keep skin looking young and helps stabilise blood sugar levels. Usually liquidised, and drunk as part of a detox plan – we think enjoying it in a salad is a much better way of taking in all the benefits of this red veggie.
Then, from 23rd January, our jewelled quinoa will take its place. Think peppers, cashews, cranberries and feta. Served warm with parsley and chilli, before being finished with an orange and shallot dressing – it’s delicious and healthy.
So, no excuse to stay at home this January! We hope to see you soon.